Maximizing Cost Efficiency: AWS Compute Cost Optimization

AWS offers a wide range of compute services, each with its unique features and pricing models. While compute resources are essential for running applications, it’s crucial to optimize costs and avoid overspending. In this blog post, we will explore strategies and best practices for optimizing AWS compute costs, helping you strike the right balance between performance and expenditure.

Great news! Cloudavenue is placed #9 in the Global Top 100 Microsoft Azure Blogs and Websites on

I am honored and happy to post that my blog: is listed in the Feedspot Top 100 Microsoft Azure Blogs and Websites To Follow in 2022 as rank #9 next to other top Azure blogs and websites. I really encourage people…

Kubernetes | Deployments V/s StatefulSets

In Kubernetes, you don’t work with Pods directly, instead, you work with the deployments or Statefulsets, which is the blueprint of the Pod. You can think of it as one more layer of abstraction on containers and Pod. Working with deployments or Statefulsets makes the deployments, scaling and management of containers really easy.

Working with Kubernetes Ingress and Ingress Controller

Ingress allows the services within the cluster to be exposed outside the cluster. It also provides load balancing capabilities for these requests. The routing is controlled by rules defined on the Ingress resource. For Ingress to work, the Kubernetes cluster also need to have an ingress controller.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Elastic Beanstalk is an easy-to-use service for deploying, scaling, and managing web applications and services on AWS without the need of knowing about the infrastructure to run those applications. Simply upload the application, and Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles capacity provisioning,…

Export and Import entities with set configurations and Authorization Rules using Service Bus Explorer

This article explains how to export import an Service bus entity (Queues/Topics/Relays) with all the configurations and Authorization Rules from one Service Bus to other using Service Bus Explorer. To Read about Service Bus Explorer please read article: Using Service…

Using Service Bus Explorer to manage and test Service Bus Queues, topics, relays, event hubs and notification hubs

Azure Service Bus Azure Service bus is a highly scalable service that helps achieving asynchronous messaging and exchanging data among decoupled systems. The purpose of this service is to make Integration reliable and highly available with the help of message…

What is Data Governance?

Data Governance refers to the strategy of managing and controlling data throughout the enterprise and thus ensuring to derive more value from that data.  It is about enabling and encouraging good behavior regarding data, and limiting behaviors that create risks. It is…

Apache Hadoop

Apache Hadoop was initially developed by “Doug Cutting” in 2005 because he needed a faster data processing framework for the web crawler project called Nutch. Based on the MapReduce paper which was published by Google in 2004, he replaced the…